Sunday 30 May 2010

Condem casualty....

So, after only three weeks, the first coalition resignation....that WAS quick!

Whilst the suggested reason for the resignation of David Laws would be no cause for celebration (although one can understand his fear of being 'outed' whilst sitting in the same cabinet as apparent homophobes such as Teresa May), the real reason is, of course, more basic. HE WAS CAUGHT OUT FIDDLING HIS EXPENSES.

So this is the 'new politics' Dave? We're all going to do it better in future Nick? Really?

What is difficult to understand is how the coalition didn't see this coming. Laws must have known the truth would come out sooner or later. Tweedledum and Tweedledummer must have asked the questions in the appointment process? Or did they just take laws word that he was clean?

So the coalition loses someone who at least had some qualifications and relevant experience for his cabinet post (unlike Gideon). And also a handy scapegoat from the minor partners to take the flak when the going gets it will.

And even Afghanistan is causing tears before bedtime for the coalition. After the Defence Secretary's gaffe (apparently he is known as 13th Century Fox now) and differences between minsters on any timetable for withdrawal, Cameron has called a summit meeting to sort the policy out.

Back on the home front, opposition is growing to the coalition education proposals. Boy wonder Gove's proposals to 'release' the schools from local authority control and make every school an academy, whilst superficially attractive, conceal a myriad of potential problems. Inevitably, the better schools will grow and thrive (and cream off the more able), leaving sink schools to cater for the remaining pupils on reducing funding. Pupils with statements of special needs can be denied admission to academies unless by application to, yes, Michael Gove.

And the most pernicious aspect of the proposals, the creation of 'free schools'. groups of pushy middle class parents, unhappy with allocated (and probably adequate schools) will be able to set up their own hobby schools and run them.....And where will the funding for these providers of academic excellence come from -especially at a time of financial austerity? Correct -by reducing funding for the remaining community schools, thus further reducing their viability.

So to return to the former Chief Secretary to the concern is that the resignations are starting too early. At this rate the coalition will have fallen apart by the Autumn, allowing the tories to cut and run to the country and possibly win an outright majority. I would prefer at least a year.....

and in later news.....the new Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander (as much treasury experience as Gideon) turns out to have avoided paying capital gains tax when he sold his London flat...nothing illegal, but to quote Nick 'I agree with Dave' Clegg...."There are MPs who flipped one property to the next, buying property, paid by you, the taxpayer, and then they would do the properties up, paid for by you, and pocket the difference in personal profit.’’

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