Sunday 16 May 2010

vive la differences....

So day 5 of the new tory government (with added libdem hypocrisy). Cameron has journeyed to the far north to meet the wild man of the north....well, Alex Salmond anyway. I suspect there wasn't a meeting of the minds, but a wily political operator like Salmond would have been trying to work any angles on Dave. The boy Hague (I still find it difficult to believe he used to deliver pop bottles to our neighbourhood in Rotherham) has jetted off to meet Hilary Clinton in the US - but didn't appear to have the same effect on her that David Miliband did....

Former libdem leader Charles Kennedy has written in the sunday papers of his objection to the coalition agreement (he abstained on the vote) thats the first split. The second may not be long in coming. Apparently due to proposed changes in the numbers of euro mps, the Lisbon treaty will have to be re-ratified by each parliament. Already the tory eurosceptics are lining up to demand a referendum on the process -something that the libdems will find hard to swallow.

There doesn't appear to be a stampede for the post of labour leader. David Miliband has declared his candidature, as has brother Ed. Yvette Cooper has ruled herself out, leaving husband Ed to ....go forward if he so chooses. Its all a bit incestuous at needs Jon Cruddas to stand at least...and where are the female candidates?

And just to show that you cant keep some would be MPs down, however wild and wacky their views, it appears that Philippa Stroud, Tory candidate for Sutton and Cheam who was rejected by the voters of that constituency (ungrateful wretches that they are, did they not realise what a STAR they were being offered?), has found her way into the house, by way of being appointed a special adviser to ex tory leader Ian Duncan "so boring he could put mogadon to sleep" Smith. Yes, thats right, the director of the Centre for Social Justice who came to prominence during the campaign when it was revealed that she had been involved in churches that had tried to 'cure' homosexuality by praying to drive out the demons. I kid you not. And this bigot is now close to the government of this country? Should make for some interesting conversations with Gregory Barker, Nick Herbert and Alan Duncan -all openly gay members of Cameroons ministerial team....

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